Career Development During the Pandemic


Career and professional development may have taken a back seat to the many demands and exigencies that companies face in the post-pandemic era. That's understandable; after millions of layoffs and furloughs around the country, employers' top objectives remain staying in business and paying their workers.

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, re-stoking the flames of your professional advancement is a key move to take. With no end in sight—and given the increasing success of working remotely, workplace connections are likely to be eternally altered—now is the time to hone your abilities and re-establish dialogues about achievements, areas for career advancement, educational opportunities, and the like.

Here are a few ways to boost your career in the midst of a pandemic:

Speak with your mentor.

If you don't already have one, seek out a mentor. A mentor can help you focus on your career goals and establish a plan for getting there.

Make sure your curriculum vitae is up to date.

Now is the moment to update your resume if you haven't done so in a while. Maintaining your CV is essential since you never know when an opportunity will present itself.

It is necessary to update your LinkedIn profile.

Similar to how you keep your résumé up to date, go to your LinkedIn page and update any classes you've taken, new skills you've picked up, or projects you've completed.

Register for Webinars

On topics like education, supply chain management, management, health care, technology, crisis management, revenue growth, and so on, there are a plethora of low-cost or free webinars and conferences available right now. Some webinars even come with completion certificates or medals. Make the most of this opportunity to extend your horizons and learn more.

While these suggestions can help you advance in your career, you must first take move. You must be willing to consider, contemplate, and act in order to make possibilities and opportunities a reality. In these exceptional times, our organization is hiring and people are getting promoted; would you like to be one of them? Now is the time to check out our employment boards.


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