How to Tell If It's Time to Make a Career Change


Many people are unsure about what they want to accomplish with their lives straight away. When they graduate and enter the workforce, they look for jobs that match their skills and education. It may take some time for you to realize that you are dissatisfied with your current situation and that you need to find something new. That's not at all a disgrace! To tell you the truth, older people still discover their passions and change careers!

If you've realized you're unhappy in your current position and want to change careers, now might be a good time to try something new. Here are a few pointers to get you started.


Do you ever feel complacent, unmotivated, or like you don't have enough energy to accomplish anything? Your expectations may not be satisfied, your work schedule may be behind, and so on. You recognize this isn't usual for you in the middle of it all, yet you can't seem to escape the feeling and keep performing well.

What is causing this? This could mean that your job no longer fulfills you or makes you happy. It's possible that your career will feel more like work than an opportunity to do something you're enthusiastic about at times. If you can't recall the last time a work task excited you, it could be the appropriate time to make a major shift in your life.

Your objectives appear to be far-fetched

You may also have a few career goals defined, but it will take you years to achieve them, given the fact that you are no longer moving forward. Perhaps what you're doing these days is indistinguishable from what you did yesterday, and you're concerned that you're not making the best use of your skills.

Your job may be making you feel exhausted and undervalued, and you are no longer having a significant impact on the company, industry, or society. If this is the case, it may be an excellent opportunity to reevaluate and investigate other professional advancements.

You dread going to work

Do you ever think on Sundays, "I hope it's not Monday tomorrow" or "I hope the weekend never ends?" If you don't have any motivation for the rest of the week at work, it's an indication of a lack of motivation. This can also manifest as a lack of motivation to get out of bed in the morning, a lack of excitement for the day ahead, and so on. If you are unmotivated to go to work and do your job, it is an indication that you need to choose a new area of work that corresponds to your interests.

Your personal life has been negatively impacted

While our private and personal lives are kept distinct, it might be difficult to tell the difference when you're exhausted and burned out. If you are continuously tired, sleep deprived, and unmotivated, you are influencing how you interact with people. Also, as you lose more time for yourself, you don't have as much time to bond with your friends and family!

If you're experiencing physical, mental, or emotional symptoms as a result of your job's stress, it's time to hit the pause button. Because your job can make you irritable and depressed, it's best to choose something that ignites your interest and gives you a sense of fulfillment.

Are you considering a job change? Strategic Workforce Solutions can provide you with a variety of options. Explore new career prospects by visiting our job portal.


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