Remote Work Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts 

Remote work is here to stay, and while it offers great flexibility, it also comes with its own set of rules. Here are some simple do's and don'ts to help you navigate this new work landscape. 


Do: Communicate Clearly 

Communication is key in remote work. Make sure your messages are clear and to the point. Use tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams to keep in touch with your team throughout the day. Regular check-ins can help avoid misunderstandings and keep everyone on the same page . 

Don't: Overwhelm with Messages 

While staying in touch is important, bombarding your colleagues with constant messages can be counterproductive. Find a balance between being reachable and giving people space to work. If it’s not urgent, consider sending an email that they can read at their convenience. 

Do: Respect Time Zones 

Your team might be spread across different time zones. Be mindful of this when scheduling meetings or expecting quick responses. Use scheduling tools like Doodle or World Time Buddy to find times that work for everyone. 

Don't: Skip Video Calls 

Face-to-face interaction, even through a screen, helps build stronger connections. Don’t shy away from turning on your camera during meetings. It makes communication more personal and helps maintain a sense of team spirit. 

Do: Create a Dedicated Workspace 

Having a specific place for work helps you stay focused and keeps your work-life balance in check. Even if it’s just a corner of your room, make it your own little office space. 

Don't: Work in Your Pajamas 

It might be tempting to stay in your PJs all day, but getting dressed can actually boost your productivity. It signals to your brain that it’s time to work, not relax . 

Do: Take Breaks 

Regular breaks are crucial. Step away from your computer every hour or so to stretch or take a short walk. It helps refresh your mind and keeps you productive throughout the day. 


By following these simple do's and don'ts, you can make the most out of remote work while keeping it professional and productive. Happy working! 


How to Stay Productive When Working Remotely 


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