The Most Common Online Application Mistakes


Thousands of new job openings are posted every day, and thanks to online application systems and job search engines, it is much easier for job seekers to apply for these positions and submit their resumes and cover letters. However, many applicants submit applications that are not only careless but also foolish due to the simplicity of the application process.

Common mistakes made by candidates include:

Submitting a poor job application.

It never ceases to amaze me how many people apply for positions for which they have no qualifications.

Applying to a lot of jobs for which you have zero interest.

It's mind-boggling how frequent this is; it makes you question the sanity of those who engage in such behavior. Statements like "I just thought I would throw my hat in the ring, to gauge the market, but I am not really looking" are common from these individuals.

Many online application sites have unprofessional designs and layouts.

Simple implementation should not be used as an excuse to skimp on quality assurance. The odds of getting an interview go up when you proofread your work, use a cover letter, and take the time to tailor your resume and cover letter to the specific job for which you are applying.

If a job applicant has an embarrassing or inappropriate email address, the hiring manager is more likely to reject them.

You might be surprised by how many applicants use ineffective email addresses like "".

Poor English usage, with numerous typos and errors.

A resume or cover letter full of spelling and grammar mistakes is a surefire way to get it thrown out. A single typo could be ignored, but a series of them could suggest that you don't care about accuracy. The availability of spellcheckers has also removed any excuse for poor grammar or spelling. Careless spelling and grammatical errors show that you didn't put much thought into your writing.

A cover letter is unnecessary.

Including a cover letter that merely says "I would like to apply for a job at XYZ" is just as disappointing as not including a cover letter at all. A cover letter that is too brief (or lacks a cover letter altogether) sends the message that you aren't seriously considering the position. Optimize your cover letter by providing supporting details that demonstrate your interest in and suitability for the advertised position.

It's to everyone's advantage to fill out job applications thoroughly. Even though applications are designed to make life easier, many hopefuls fail because of the carelessness brought on by the process's inherent simplicity. Conducting business online can be done at your convenience.

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