Ways to Research for Future Professions


Choosing a new career path without first gathering as much information as possible is one of the worst moves you can make. You may also have known people who went to graduate school (and often took out large loans to do so), only to find out what the reality of their chosen profession was like after graduation, or professionals who burned out so badly at their job that they quit and rushed into another career that was just as unfulfilling as the first.

This is why careful consideration should precede any major career shift. While there are no guarantees, it is possible to improve your chances by conducting some preliminary research into potential careers.

Reading Blogs and Books to Improve Your Knowledge and Skills in Your Field

The best way to learn more about your field is to read blogs and books that are specifically about it. Is it worthwhile to investigate them, in your opinion? How much do you enjoy learning about recent advances and contentious issues in your field? As a result, you won't waste time in informational interviews asking about data that can be found elsewhere. Inquire about the murkiest aspects of a potential career when you have the chance to speak with a real person.

Join Relevant Facebook Groups and/or Attend Professional Conferences

The best places to find people with similar interests are Facebook groups and in-person events with a specific focus on a particular industry. What exactly do these gurus talk about? What kind of concerns do they have? How nice are they, exactly? How welcoming are they to new members? Consider how you feel around them, how they speak, and whether or not the conversations focus on problems and how to solve them. Depending on how you choose to use the available spaces will determine how well you do here.

Consult with Pros About This

Professionals working in the field will be your best source of information. Neither popular culture nor your own idealized version of the working world can be relied upon to provide an accurate representation of the reality. For example, many people go into the arts because they enjoy being creative and because they value aesthetics, but they fail to recognize that many artists are self-employed. You'll need to learn how to run a business, find clients, market your work, and negotiate contracts if you want to make a living as an artist. So, if you want to be a successful artist, you need to be open to learning the ropes of business and marketing.

A good rule of thumb is to talk to ten people working in the field you're interested in to get an idea of what it's like to work there. Why 10? Because that's a big enough slice of data to make inferences about the whole (e.g., a lack of work-life balance). However, a word of caution: informational interviews require proper setup and execution to provide the insider knowledge you seek. If you want to achieve your goals, you must avoid these common mistakes.

Find out About Pay Scale Variations

While practicing your negotiation skills, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that your field of expertise and the type of business you operate in are the two biggest factors in determining your salary. While some actors do make millions per year, the entertainment industry as a whole knows that most performers are paid significantly less than they should be. On the other hand, even entry-level positions in some fields can earn market-rate compensation.

Knowing how much money you can expect to make is essential if you want to take out loans to go back to school or have other financial goals in mind. It's a surefire way to put yourself in a financial bind after graduation if you take out more student loans than you can reasonably afford to repay.

Explore the City and State That Captures Your Interest

Finally, every major city has its own special advantages. Whether you have some leeway in where you settle down or have already made a commitment, it is still a good idea to learn as much as possible about the cities you are thinking about. Find out more about the thriving industries, top employers, median income, and cost of living enjoyed in these cities. Find out if there are any state or local agencies or nonprofits that can help you get hired, learn new skills, or start your own business. If you are a remote worker and relocate to Vermont, for instance, the state will provide financial assistance, while the city of Newburgh Heights, Ohio, will contribute to the repayment of any outstanding student loans.

If you put in the time to do all of these things, you'll have a much better idea of what it's like to work in any given profession, from the skills you get to use and the industry trends to the way people interact and how open they are to making a career change. The next step that is ideal for you will become clearer as you continue with this process.

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