When and why did we start celebrating Valentine's Day? 


While Valentine's Day has come to be associated with love, its roots are quite unromantic. Read on to learn some facts about Valentine's Day you might not have known before.


When exactly does Valentine's Day take place? 

To review quickly: As a constant, February 14th is the date of Valentine's Day. Similarly to 2022, when it also occurred on a Monday, Valentine's Day in 2023 is on a Monday: February 14. (For those of you who like to plan ahead, Valentine's Day in 2024 will fall on a Wednesday, February 14.) 

Pope Gelasius designated February 14 as St. Valentine's Day at the end of the 5th century, and the day has been celebrated ever since, albeit for more spiritual reasons than romantic ones. 

When did we begin celebrating St. Valentine? 

Some historians believe that the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, celebrated in mid-February, is the inspiration for the modern celebration of Valentine's Day, a fixed day on the calendar. As part of the festivities surrounding Lupercalia, it's possible that potential suitors were selected by drawing names from a hat. The ancient Greeks held a midwinter festival to commemorate the union of Zeus and Hera. 

The history of Valentine's Day dates back to the early 1900s, but why February 14th? 

Christians in the early church typically celebrated holidays on days that already had festivals or celebrations planned (like Christmas and the winter solstice), which is why Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14 and Lupercalia is celebrated on February 15. 

Is there any significance to the Valentine's Day holiday? 

As a man of the Middle Ages, Chaucer witnessed the height of courtly love when partners were honored with grand, romantic expressions of their love in the form of poetry, music, and art. The term "valentine" was first used to refer to a romantic partner in late 15th-century poetry and music; by the 18th century, a book titled The Young Man's Valentine Writer had been published in England. The modern holiday of St. Valentine's Day can be traced back to the middle of the nineteenth century, when paper Valentine's Cards were first mass-produced (though homemade card ideas are still fun to try). 

Why do we celebrate St. Valentine's Day, and what does it mean? 

From a religious festival to an ancient ritual day to a modern commercial holiday, Valentine's Day has undergone many transformations over the centuries. With so many varying interpretations, Valentine's Day can be anything you want it to be: a day to treat yourself to chocolate and flowers or a time to show your appreciation to the people who matter to you, be they coworkers, friends, lovers, or family. 


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