Why Is March a Good Month for International Women's Day?

Equal rights for women were a national issue in the early 20th century. An integral part of the movement was getting people together for meetings, rallies, and marches. Because of the reduced potential for disruption to regular work and household activities, Sundays soon became the preferred day. Therefore, this made it simpler for women to participate in political gatherings.

On the last Sunday of February, Americans gathered for the first large-scale rally in support of women's rights. In an effort to achieve parity in their respective nations, women all over the world started using the same day to organize on. An international date was required as IWD grew in popularity.

Choosing a fixed date was up to the movement's leaders because any given Sunday corresponded to a different date on the two calendars used in the 1900s (the Julian calendar and the Gregorian calendar). On the last Sunday of the Julian calendar year, February 23, the calendar was changed to the Gregorian calendar, and March 8 became known worldwide as International Women's Day.


How Come March 8th Belongs to Women Everywhere?

Women have always played an integral role in shaping our world.

We must continue to recognize the achievements of women everywhere. By designating a specific day to celebrate women's achievements in all areas of society, we can guarantee that their economic, political, and social contributions will no longer go unnoticed.


Raising one's level of consciousness can motivate one to take action.

Making women's accomplishments more well-known can help us reach our goal of equality. By commemorating the achievements of women throughout history on March 8th, we can learn from our mistakes and work toward a more just and equitable world. Being cognizant of this fact motivates people to take measures that can affect social change.


Organizing fundraising events is crucial to the success of women's empowerment groups.

Global opportunities for philanthropic giving are made possible by International Women's Day. The focus is on groups that work to promote change for women. They receive the financial backing they need to aid in the global movement to advance the status of women.


There are disparities between the sexes everywhere in the world.

Equal representation of both sexes in the workplace is unlikely to occur in the foreseeable future. However, our efforts today increase the likelihood of gender parity in future generations. A more equitable future is possible, and International Women's Day helps us recognize inequities like the gender pay gap.


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