GFC Marketing GFC Marketing

Basic Tips to Raise Job Performance

You are ignorant of the things you've accomplished today and feel as though they are slowly slipping away from you. The two concepts of busyness and productivity are not the same. Here are some time-saving strategies for efficiency to help you make the most of each day.

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GFC Marketing GFC Marketing

How to Make Online Job Listings Better

The first stage in a comprehensive selection process is the drafting of a concise and effective job listing. Here are seven great strategies to make your job advertisements stand out.

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GFC Marketing GFC Marketing

Why Do the Best Employees Want to Leave

However, a sizable portion of workers attribute their decision to leave a company to poor management. As a leader, you are aware that employee turnover is one of the biggest expenses for any business. You can find the root of any hiring problems your company may be having by asking these questions.

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GFC Marketing GFC Marketing

Check The Social Accounts Of Job Applicants For These Specific Signs

Almost everyone believes that their social media presence is a representation of who they are. Despite this, most users are still unable to distinguish between what is meant for public display and what is not. Here are some early indications to check for to help you detect a problematic hire before they start working with you.

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GFC Marketing GFC Marketing

Candidates Are Missing Out On Available Jobs For These Reasons

Receiving an interview invitation is quite rare these days, and you should regard yourself really lucky because it indicates your candidacy stood out among thousands of others. We developed a list of risky behaviors to avoid even before meeting with prospective employers.

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