Knowledge and Skills Necessary for New Employees


When you're just starting out, it can be difficult to understand what employers are looking for in a resume. Due to the wide variety of industries, markets, and occupations, there is no silver bullet that can solve all problems. A career in sales might not be the best fit for even the most gifted programmer.

But there are some skills, both soft and hard, that will make your resume stand out no matter what position you're applying for or what company you're targeting. To better understand what employers look for in prospective employees, we surveyed more than 300 career counselors, recruiters, HR professionals, and business owners. Don't forget to list them on your resume if you want to move forward with your application.

Acquired skills and experience

Professional experience gained through an internship, an externship, a part-time job, or any other means is now considered essential for even entry-level workers. Leadership positions, volunteer work, and other extracurricular activities can help you stand out as well.

It's much easier to say something like, "I have an interest in being a financial adviser, as shown by my relevant coursework in my finance program at X school," than it is to say something like, "I have an interest in being a financial adviser, but I have no factual support to back up that interest," which is why relevant coursework is so important.


Professionals in fields as diverse as human resources and other parts of the workforce all came to the same conclusion: communication skills are paramount.

Every choice you make in your professional life will be impacted by how well you communicate verbally and nonverbally. Having strong communication and interpersonal skills is essential in the workplace.

Studying the methods of people who are naturally good at getting along with others, reflecting on your own strengths and weaknesses, and acting on constructive feedback are all effective ways to hone these skills; applying what you've learned can then be applied to all of your relationships.

It's your first time working in an office setting. Another thing that could aid in acclimating new professionals to the workplace is etiquette instruction. Take a public speaking class or join a group like Toastmasters to hone your oratory abilities. Reading widely and enrolling in a creative writing course are two good ways to hone your writing skills.


There was a time when only the most specialized occupations required any familiarity with analytics. Today's businesses require everyone from data scientists to marketers to HR personnel to have a firm grasp on the value data can bring to their operations.

Companies are turned off when I conduct interviews with candidates who claim to work in those fields but demonstrate a lack of knowledge by asking basic questions about conversion rates, click-through rates, and the analytical tools required for the job.

Doing a quick Google search will give you a good idea of what kinds of metrics and analytics platforms will be most applicable to your field. If you have a specific topic in mind, it shouldn't be hard to locate a suitable online course.

Ability to Pick Up New Skills Quickly

While it's helpful to have technical knowledge, keep in mind that technology is always developing and changing. It's important to show potential employers that you can adjust to changing conditions, such as when the equipment you're using becomes obsolete. Proving that you can pick up new skills quickly is often more valuable than mastery of a single piece of software.

Team work

While you may have grown accustomed to the spotlight during your time at school, you will need to put your pride in your individual accomplishments aside and learn to work with others if you hope to succeed in the professional world.

Group and team work are increasingly commonplace in the workplace. Workers are expected to get along with one another, make meaningful contributions, and inspire those around them. The most effective method of acquiring these abilities is to mimic those who already possess them. Consider the successful people you know and observe how they interact with others. Put your energy into strengthening the relationships you already have, cooperating more closely with those you already know, and meeting new people.

Organizational skills

Even if they aren't naturally organized, some students manage to get by academically just by using their wits. However, order is essential in the office. Now is the time to get good at updating and prioritizing your to-do list, handling email, filing documents, and overseeing projects.


Many entry-level positions require direct or indirect public interaction, so it's important to highlight customer service experience in a resume.

Employers value people who can think quickly on their feet and who always go above and beyond in helping customers and colleagues. The best outcomes can be achieved by devoting time to practice. Talking to people in your social and professional circles will provide you with numerous opportunities to practice being helpful and offering solutions to other people's problems.

But don't be shy about stealing concepts from established companies.

Excellent customer service is the subject of many articles and blogs. To get started, read up on the customer service techniques used by companies like Disney and Nordstrom.

Attitude of optimism

Whether you get the job or another young person with comparable skills depends on your attitude. Included in this category are emotions like joy and contentment. You don't need to be constantly humorous, but you should maintain a positive disposition. And no matter what, you should always be truthful and follow through on your promises. You must project an air of confidence even if you don't actually feel it. Nobody ever feels completely confident; they're just good at hiding their uncertainty. Likewise, you ought to follow suit.

You can find more information by exploring our blogs.


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