GFC Marketing GFC Marketing

Soft Skills To Build In The Technology Era And Digital Expansion

Technical expertise is the only requirement for technological advancement. In order to flourish in the modern age, energy professionals must constantly improve their soft skills. The following are the top soft talents you'll need to succeed in the automation era.

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GFC Marketing GFC Marketing

Conflicts with Staff Members and Workable Ideas

If you want to run a business, you need your employees to continuously perform well. Even your most loyal employees may be late or distracted by their phones on a regular basis. You may take efforts to get your most essential employees back on track. Here are a few ideas for coping with some of the most typical employee problems.

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GFC Marketing GFC Marketing

Employer Branding: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

People frequently associate "branding" with a company's logo, brand personality, and overall customer perception. In principle, all of these traits contribute to brand recognition, but they don't go into detail concerning workplace branding. We'll go through the basics of employer branding and what it means for your company in this article.

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GFC Marketing GFC Marketing

6 Methods for Enhanced Efficiency

Without trained and motivated employees, a successful year is impossible. Six personality characteristics that influence team performance are listed in this article.

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GFC Marketing GFC Marketing

How Well Do You Prepare For Video Interviews?

Video interviewing has gained a lot of traction far faster than most people in our industry expected! The vast majority of individuals say it is a fantastic product that worked well at Covid and will be utilized much more frequently than before. What are the issues you, as the recruiting manager, need to consider?

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